Get Started Investing in Commercial Real Estate

Get Started Investing in Commercial Real Estate

Founder / CEO
Scott Griffin
Published on September 13, 2021

Get Started Investing in Commercial Real Estate

The latest segment of "Financing the American Dream" is about investing in commercial real estate.


When most of us think about real estate, we think about residential real estate. After all, that's where most of us live. However, there is a whole other world of opportunity out there in the commercial market, and today on "Financing the American Dream," we’re going to talk to the experts about how you can invest in commercial real estate.

These aren't just any experts, either. We’re happy to be joined by Steve Lampe, President of RE/MAX Commercial and Investment Realty, and Bill Ruane, the No. 2 agent in the world. If anyone understands commercial real estate, it's these guys, so we hope you learn a lot from our conversation.

According to Steve, most people start investing in commercial real estate by buying a three- or four-unit building. However, if you want to go big, he says the process is a lot like crowdfunding. For example, if an apartment complex has a down payment of $2 million, you could find 20 people to each invest $100,000 for a share of the profits.

“With our low interest rates, investing in commercial real estate has never been easier.”

If you're a small business owner renting your building, it doesn't have to be that way. Bill talked to us about Small Business Administration Loans, also known as SBAs. With this type of loan, you're looking at 10% down instead of the typical 30% to 35% down as long as you own or occupy 51% of the building within 13 months. So you can buy a multi-unit property with 10% down, as long as you own 51% of the building.

With our low interest rates, investing in commercial real estate has never been easier. When you pool resources together with other investors, you can build equity like never before.

If you have any questions about today's topic, please reach out to us via phone or email. We’re always willing to help!

Founder / CEO
Scott Griffin Founder / CEO
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