✨PRIDE MONTH ✨It’s a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood of Coachella Valley!!! #pridemonth YouTube Video VVV1Y0VvRTJMejk3SmNEeElHOG5qV3ZBLmNhazZIRmdmbm5R 1 0 The Gayborhood of Coachella Valley celebrates Pride Month! In this segment on The American Dream, Scott Griffin Mic’s Up for the Morning radio show, KGAY, with CEO, Brian Fuhr, and Radio Host, John Taylor. As the nation’s very first Gay devoted radio station, Brian Fuhr, John Taylor and Scott Griffin share their appreciation on the show for the gay community. Later they embark on a day of fun; ending it at the Acrisure Arena to watch the Coachella Valley Firebirds! #pridemonth #prideoftheplanet #palmsprings #coachellavalley #theamericandream #scottgriffinfinancial The Scott Griffin Team Blue Diamond Mortgage Professional Visit us on ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescottgriffinteam Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thescottgriffinteam LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thescottgriffinteam Scott Griffin Founder / CEO Click to Call or Text: (818) 207-2688 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.