A Solution to Mortgage Approval Changes YouTube Video VVV1Y0VvRTJMejk3SmNEeElHOG5qV3ZBLlp2enBrMDB4Y0pj 0 0 Learn more: https://scottgriffin.com/blog/ Did you know that recent changes were made to the mortgage algorithms us lenders rely on to approve homebuyers? The good news is, there's a solution to these changes that will get you into a home even if you don't think you're qualified, and that's FHA financing. Here's the thing about FHA financing: It loves to say "yes." To find out what I mean, watch this short video. NMLS 1633936 Learn more: https://scottgriffin.com/solution-mortgage-approval-changes/ Scott Griffin Founder / CEO Click to Call or Text: (818) 207-2688 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.