How to Convert Your Equity into Cash YouTube Video VVV1Y0VvRTJMejk3SmNEeElHOG5qV3ZBLlBJaVVoSy0xd3hV 1 0 Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) are awesome instruments that allow you to unlock equity and convert it into cash. However the really awesome part about HELOCs is the tools that live inside of them. Today I'll discuss a few great ways HELOCs can be employed to your, the homeowner's, benefit. For one, the amount of interest you pay on it each month depends on how much you've used. That means you can make larger payments to reduce the amount of interest you're charged. To learn more about these awesome tools, watch my latest video. Learn more: NMLS 1633936 Scott Griffin Founder / CEO Click to Call or Text: (818) 207-2688 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.