Part 6 of 7: The Ability to Repay Law & Qualified Mortgage Rule YouTube Video VVV1Y0VvRTJMejk3SmNEeElHOG5qV3ZBLmlzekc2bDNlclRZ 3 0 Learn more: In this sixth installment of my seven-part series on what changed after the mortgage meltdown, I'll discuss The Ability to Repay Law and the Qualified Mortgage Rule. Before the 2008 crisis, lenders made loans available to consumers, some by asking consumers to leave sections of the loan application completely blank - can you believe that!? Some of those sections included questions about employment, income, assets, and the money consumers had in the bank. Well, The Ability to Repay Law and Qualified Mortgage Rule are both designed to make sure that consumers can't take on loans that they won't be able to repay. To learn how, watch my latest video. Learn more: NMLS 1633936 Scott Griffin Founder / CEO Click to Call or Text: (818) 207-2688 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.