What You Should Know About Escrow Accounts YouTube Video VVV1Y0VvRTJMejk3SmNEeElHOG5qV3ZBLk1yN25ZenVOOXdV 0 0 Learn more: https://scottgriffin.com/blog/ 'Escrow' is one of those terms that homebuyers often hear but maybe need a little extra explanation to fully understand. Today I'll explain what an escrow account (also called an 'impound account') is, what it does, and what the advantages and disadvantages are to setting one up outright. Essentially, an escrow account is a separate account designed by your lender to help you manage your tax payments and insurance renewal premiums, making it easier for you to pay them consistently and on time. To learn more, watch my latest video. NMLS 1633936 Learn more: https://scottgriffin.com/know-escrow-accounts/ Scott Griffin Founder / CEO Click to Call or Text: (818) 207-2688 This entry has 0 replies Comments are closed.